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The main city and arrival destination in the region of the Pedras Preciosas Tourist Circuit is the city of Teófilo Otoni, about 450 km from the capital of the state of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, via BR 116 and BR 381.

BR 418 connects the city to the BR 101 interchange, in the state of Bahia.

Gontijo Line buses run the daily route between Teófilo Otoni and Belo Horizonte. For more information and reservations, visit the website:

Once in Teófilo Otoni, if you do not have your own vehicle, you will have a few options for moving around the region.

The main bus line that connects the city to its neighboring municipalities is Viação Rio Doce:

To reach the cities of Capelinha and Minas Novas, in Vale do Jequitinhonha, the company that runs the regular line from Teófilo Otoni is Saritur:

A recommended option when arriving in Teófilo Otoni is to rent a vehicle at the car rental companies that exist in the city, among them, Localiza, Unidas and Yellow Aluguel de Cars, both with websites available on the internet.

You can also choose to hire a taxi to take the tours available in the city and its surroundings.

The main taxi ranks in Teófilo Otoni are located at the city's Bus Terminal; in Praça Tiradentes and Praça Germanica, both in the center.


There is no regular airline to Teófilo Otoni. Although the city has an airport, the Kemil Kumaira airport, this air terminal only receives charter flights.

The closest airport with regular airlines is the airport in the city of Governador Valadares, about 140 km from Teófilo Otoni.

In this air terminal there are regular flights of the company Azul Linhas Aéreas:

Once in Governador Valadares, there is the option of chartering a taxi to Teófilo Otoni from the airport itself, or taking a taxi to the Governador Valadares bus station, and from there take a bus from Viação Rio Doce to Teófilo Otoni: http:/ /

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